Best 7 Steps for How to Document your Invention Idea

What is Document your Invention

Accordingly, documenting each Invention is getting your invention out of your head and putting your invention down on paper in the form of written description, such as an invention title, identify the invention purpose, make a list of advantages of your invention, create figures of your invention, provide pictures of prototypes. This step helps you identify the parts or elements of your invention.


Write up the following to document your Invention:

  •  Title
  • List of Parts (mark photos or drawings to identify parts by name)
  • List of Advantages
  • Description of drawings, figures, photos, hand drawings
  • Drawings, figures, photos should at least show i) whole view invention, ii) disassembled view of parts of invention, and iii) invention being used
  • Written summary of how parts are assembled
  • Summary of how invention is used
  • Last, Describe the Problem and how your invention solves the Problem.

Moreover, to be patentable you need a new part or element that the prior products, publications, and patents are missing.

Email me and ask for your Inventor Start Kit.  We will send you a Free Form & Instructions to help you Document your Invention Idea

document your Invention

  • Instructions & Inventor Information
  • Form
  • Sample1 Documentation of DripID®
  • Drawing Reminder Flowchart for inventions for process, website, apps, and software


Why Document your Invention ideas?

There are many reasons why an inventor should spend time document each invention.  Firstly, documenting causes you to think critically about your idea.  Moreover, causes you to identify the parts and features of your idea, such as creating a title for your invention,  a list of parts and features of your invention.  Furthermore, a list of advantages of your invention over the existing products on the market, a drawing showing your invention assembled, a drawing showing your invention disassembled, a drawing showing your invention in use.  Lastly, maybe you have built a prototype of your invention and can provide pictures of each.

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Related Pages:

  • Patent Search – US search at US PTO records room & written opinion
  • Provisional Patent – Preparation and filing of US provisional patent applications
  • Patent Application – Preparation and filing of US patent applications (regular/non-provisional)
  • Design Patent – Preparation and filing of US design patent applications

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