NDA for Inventor

NDA for Inventor

Accordingly, an Inventor NDA agreement is a contract you can use to be signed by you and any third party to protect and prevent the disclosure of your invention. Moreover, disclosure to anyone other than the third party.  Accordingly, the third party may be a potential customer, prototype maker, manufacture, potential licensee, an investor or the like.  Furthermore, unique to the Inventor NDA agreement is a clause that requires the third party to assign any improvements made by the third party to your invention to you the inventor.


(678) 202-5990
Email Mat Grell

Get your personalized Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA for Invention form) today.

Contact Grell & Watson for a Free Consultation – Confidentiality Agreement


Atlanta I-85        (678) 202-5990  
Atlanta I-75 & Downtown (678) 383-4886
Charlotte             (704) 625-7747 
Raleigh                (919) 825-3309 
Dallas                  (214) 702-5247       
Fort Worth          (817) 500-0705
Austin                  (737) 255-5100 


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