How to Find a Patent Attorney in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas – Find a Patent Lawyer Near Me.
Moreover, look for a patent & trademark attorney who has his/her own inventions, issued patents, trademarks or who has participated in starting a new business.
Furthermore, Patent Lawyers are subject matter specific based on their technical degree(s) earned in college. Also, look for an Attorney with a technical degree that matches your idea invention, such as electrical engineering, computer science, software, physics, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, or mechanical engineering, etc.
Also, to search the US Patent & Trademark Office for a Patent Attorney near you click the link below or visit US Patent Office and search for “OED Patent Attorney/Agent Search.” Next enter your city/state or zip code into the USPTO search engine and the engine will generate a list of Attorney/Agents near you.
From Invention Idea to Patent to Revenue
Invention Process
With every Invention Idea you need an Invention Process to step each idea through to test the feasibility, marketability, and protectability of your new Invention Idea.
Furthermore, step by step procedure for every Invention Ideas Process: From invention conception, document your invention, evaluate your invention, perform patent search at USPTO, perform product esarch. Also, protect your invention ideas (Patent, Trademark, Copyright) prototype, Find a Patent Attorney, market your ideas, license to generate revenue.
Invention Idea Steps:
1- How to come up with an Invention Idea
2- Perform Product Research on your Invention Idea
3- Perform Patent Search on your Invention Idea
4- Document your Invention Idea
5- File a Provisional Patent Application
6- Test the Market Demand for your Invention Idea
7- Revise Document your Invention Idea
Call for a Free Consultation on your Invention
Main: 678-373-4747 + ext
Ext. 101 – Atlanta I-85 – (678) 202-5990
Ext. 102 – Charlotte – (704) 625-7747
Ext. 103 – Raleigh – (919) 825-3309
Ext. 104 – Atlanta I-75 & Downtown – (678) 383-4886
Ext. 105 – Dallas – (214) 702-5247
Ext. 106 – Fort Worth –817-500-0705
Ext. 107 – Austin – (737) 255-5100
Need help with an Invention in Atlanta, Austin, Charlotte, Dallas, & Raleigh.
Experienced & Affordable