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Provisional Patent Application – starting at $1200-2500

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  • Free Provisional Patent Forms.

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How to Document your Invention 

Let Grell & Watson help you prepare and file a Provisional Application protecting your invention and get you to Patent Pending.

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Get to Patent Pending – Apply for Patent. 

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15 years of Patent Experience – Protect your Invention ASAP – Patent Pending

Need help with a Provisional Application for Patent?

How much is a Provisional Application?

US Provisional Application for Patent: Attorney time to prep the US Provisional Application for Patent Office filing forms and efile your written description and figure(s). Furthermore, we will draft an Abstract, Alternate Embodiment Clause, Broad Interpretation Clause & a First Patent Claim of your single invention. Also, an attorney will redline your record of Invention. Includes USPTO fee.  Time to prep: 1 week ~$1200-2500.

Protect your Invention ASAP.  

How to get to Patent Pending – Apply for Patent in 3 steps

  • prepare several drawings or pictures of prototypes of your invention
  • next, drawings show i) whole view invention, ii) disassembled view of parts of invention, and iii) invention being used
  • next, Inventor labels the parts or elements in each figure, drawing, or picture
  • next, Inventor writes at least one paragraph describing what is shown in each figure, drawing, or picture
  • moreover, Inventor writes a summary of how parts are assembled
  • furthermore, Inventor writes a summary of how invention is used
  • lastly, Inventor writes a summary of the problem being solved by your invention

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What is a Provisional Application for Patent?

Applicant will lose priority unless further steps are taken within twelve (12) months of filing a Provisional application.  Provisionals lasts for a year do not mature into an issued US patent (not examined by the USPTO). Provisionals lasts for a year, which does not mature into an issued US patent (not examined by the USPTO). Once filed -patent pending then free to disclose, market, and sell the invention during this time period. If you want lower patent application costs look into a provisional patent application. Lowered cost by not requiring formal drawings, claims, oath and declarations, or an information disclosure statement.

However, if drafted properly (adequate technical written description and figures) the patent provisional application provides the inventor with an application priority date and “patent pending” status. Further, if you want to maintain your priority date based on the provisional filing you must convert to a non-provisional application within one year of the provisional filing date.  Furthermore, failure to file the non-provisional could result in loss of US rights, including a complete bar to obtaining a patent. Lastly, applications for a provisional are NOT examined by an Examiner at the USPTO.

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Provisional Patent Application

Related Pages:

  • Patent Search – US search at US PTO records room & written opinion
  • Patent Application – Preparation and filing of US patent applications (regular/non-provisional)
  • Design Patent – Preparation and filing of US design patent applications

Related Articles:

Protect your Invention ASAP
Get to Patent Pending

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Provisional Application for Patent in 1-2 business days

provisional patent application


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